

16 h 4 min

Plaid, Yoga mat



A cycle of 10 specialized practices that gradually lead to the development of padmasana (lotus posture). Each practice takes 1.5 hours. At the end of each session, we perform different options for concentration on breathing from 5 (in the first session) to 15 minutes (in the final session).

“Placing both feet on the upper thighs is padmasana, which destroys all sins (bad karma)” (Hatha Yoga Pradipika).

A course of 10 specialized sessions focusing on different asanas (postures) of yoga, which contribute to the preparation for padmasana (lotus position).
1 lesson. General practice for increasing mobility in the hip joints and strengthening the back muscles.
2 lesson. Practice with an emphasis on the development of agni stambhasana (the pose of kindling a fire).
3 lesson. Practice with an emphasis on working through baddha konasana (bound angle pose).
4 lesson. A practice focusing on supta baddha konasana (Lying Bound Angle Pose).
5 lesson. Practice with an emphasis on upavistha konasana (bending posture with legs wide apart from a sitting position).
6 lesson. Practice with an emphasis on the development of supta virasana (hero’s pose in the prone position).
7 lesson. A practice focusing on supta upavistha konasana (bending posture with legs wide apart from the supine position).
8 lesson. Practice with an emphasis on working out anjanasana (low lunge with a knee on the floor).
9 lesson. Practice focusing on mandukasana (frog/butterfly belly down)
10 lesson. Practice with an emphasis on working out padmasana (lotus position).

At the end of each session, we perform different options for concentration on breathing from 5 (in the first session) to 15 minutes (in the final session).
All teachers agree that as concentration on the breath develops, the mind and body should become more and more calm, and awareness becomes more vivid and sharp.

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